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What clients have said on their anonymous feedback forms:
"Loved the atmosphere of the class"
"This was a real turning point for our whole family"
"Thanks for a great time. We have seen a lot of growth in our dog!"
" It has been great. Thank you so much!"
" Loved your class and will be back for more!"
"What did I find most helpful? The advise to let my dog think more for itself, instead of giving a command."
"You two are awesome!"
" four on the floor and no mugging were so helpful"
"Loved the (puppy) socializing and the personalized attention"
"Loved the play sessions and new obstacles"
"great class and very helpful"
"the impulse control was most helpful"
"Her paying attention to me made life less frustrating"
"Weekly handouts and one on one instruction was very helpful"
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